With a lot of the world still under quarantine, many of us around the world are trying to cope with being inside, and trying to think of ways to spend our time. A lot of people are using this time to develop themselves personally or ‘glow up’.

There are many different ways to glow up and in this post, I’ll be sharing some easy ways that we can use these months at home to spend time developing ourselves (Or glowing up!) mind, body and soul, so that we can Improve all aspects of our life!

*This article contains affiliate links, meaning I receive a small amount of money if purchases are made through them*


Plan Out Your Goals

Use this time to consider what goals and aspirations that you would like to achieve in the next 6 months, year and 5 years. Go about making mini goals that you can easily accomplish that will help you achieve your bigger dreams. I love this Law of Attraction Planner to help me manifest my goals!

Let Go of Toxic Relationships

While in isolation, we have all been missing seeing and spending time with our family and friends. But are there any people who you really haven’t missed? Do you feel better without them in your life? If so, it could be time to part ways.

Declutter Your Home

Use your time at home to organise your space, and be honest about things in your home that you no longer need. Donate clothes and books to charity, or sell your items on sites such as Depop and Poshmark. Check out Marie Kondo’s book on tidying up for organisation inspiration!

Explore Stress Management

Having so much time on our hands means that we finally have time to start exploring ways of taking care of our mental health. Research ways to manage stress and anxiety, such as breathing techniques (click here to discover the best breathing techniques for anxiety).

Learn New Skills

Learning new skills and continuing to learn during lockdown is a great way to use your time at the moment. These skills could be learning a new language, taking a course or simply becoming a more regular reader. Read my post, How To Learn Something New Everyday for more inspiration.


Find An Exercise Routine That Works For You

We all know that moving our body is essential for mental and physical health, but it can be hard to find the right exercise for us. The great thing at the moment is that we have time to try out lots of different workouts that we usually wouldn’t have time for! Research different exercise methods to find one you enjoy. Motivate yourself by investing in some new workout clothes! I’m OBSESSED with these tie dye leggings.

Research Healthy Recipes

Similar to how we now have time to experiment with exercise, the same can be said for food. Invest in some new cookbooks or find inspiration online (Pinterest is great for food inspo!). You could also look into meal prepping, and learn new recipes.

Pamper Yourself

Do you usually find it difficult to fit pampering and self care into your routine? If so, now is the PERFECT time to start practicing it. Take time to look after your outer self such as following a good skincare routine, looking after your hair and keeping up with your body hair maintenance (should you want to). In lockdown, I’ve been using this Billie razor and it definitely lives up to the hype!

Take Your Vitamins

I’m a big believer in supplementing your diet with vitamins and minerals. I take vitamins daily to keep me feeling energised and to keep anxiety at bay. Check out my viral post ‘Supplements You Should Take For Your Mental Health’ to find the best supplements to start taking.


Begin A Yoga/Stretching Routine

Starting your day with some stretches has been scientifically proven to make you healthier and happier. Find a quick and easy stretching routine that you can do just after you wake up to get you ready for the day. Having a ritual like this will make sure you go into your day feeling calm and centred. I love this rose gold yoga mat from Alo.

Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Take 5-10 minutes out of your day to sit quietly with your thoughts and take some breaths. Perhaps you could begin a meditation challenge with an app such as Headspace. I am currently running weekly mindfulness sessions via Zoom! To learn more, contact me via contactanatoli@gmail.com or @nataliecoombs on Instagram.

Speak To A Professional

If you are struggling with your mental health during lockdown, or if you have suffered with anxiety, depression or self esteem issues for a long time, don’t hesitate to seek help. To learn more about the coaching I offer, check out my Coaching information page.

Create A Vision Board

Imagine your dream life – your job, your house, your wardrobe – and create a board full of pictures of this life! Cut out photos you see in magazines, find pics on the internet or Pinterest and make your board look pretty with colourful pins and decorations. This pretty cork board is currently on sale!

Get Into Nature (Where Possible)

While in lockdown, we have obviously been limited in how much we can get out into the fresh air. If you are lucky enough to have a garden, or live in the countryside, make the most of nature by getting out for a walk or cycle, or just sitting in your garden. Alternatively, simply opening a window will allow you to have fresh air if you aren’t able to get outside!

Let me know how you are glowing up during quarantine by commenting!

Stay safe,

Natalie x