Life is full of ups and downs – it has difficulties and successes, good days and bad days – some of these are in our control but most of the time they aren’t, and we are left to pick up the pieces. We can always be sure that at some point, we will have one …
how to
40 Ways To Get Organised Today
Getting ourselves more organised in our lives is something that we all want to do, but very few of us actually get around to doing. It can seem too daunting, especially when we’re busy doing other things. But becoming more organised is one of the best things you can do to feel more in control …
How To Instantly Feel Calm
There are times in life where our emotions can become very overwhelming. Whether you find yourself getting irritable, anxious, sad, sometimes these feelings can escalate quickly to become full blown anxiety/panic attacks, an angry outburst or an emotional breakdown. A lot of people have their own ways of dealing with these feelings, but most find …
How To Learn Something New Every Day
After we leave school or college, it’s very easy to think that the learning and education section of your life is over. However, it’s essential that we continue to learn new knowledge and skills throughout our life, and doing so can make us smarter and more successful. In this post, I’ll be sharing 5 easy …
How To Reduce Anxiety
We all have those days where we feel anxious, worried or scared. This can be due to a multitude of things – maybe family issues, work and school deadlines or because you have an anxiety disorder. I used to have EXTREMELY anxious days, even to the point where I’d have at least one panic attack …
How To Find Your Life Purpose
It is one of the most rewarding feelings – you’re in a fulfilling job that you enjoy going to so much that it doesn’t feel like a job; you feel confident that the degree you’re studying for will get you the career that you’ve always dreamed of. But for most people, sadly this isn’t the …
How I Organise And Plan My Life
Whether you’re a student, a CEO or a stay at home mum, it is crucial to have your days, weeks and months organised and planned out. Being sufficiently organised is essential for productivity and success, but also so important for your mental health. If you run around like a headless chicken, unsure of where you …