Showing: 1 - 10 of 17 RESULTS
Self Care

Fall Self Care Ideas 2019

Fall is by far my favourite season – there’s nothing better than retrieving your favourite jumpers from the back of the wardrobe, lighting pumpkin spice candles and getting cosy! In this post, I’ll be sharing my favourite self care activities for the fall season. I try and do something from this list at least once …

Self Care

60 Self Care Activities For Summer

Welcome to summer! To celebrate the new season, here is a list of 60 self care activities that you can do this summer to promote self love and wellbeing. Sign up to my mailing list to receive my free July Self Care Challenge! Meditate outside. Go on a hike. Go to the beach. Make pretty …

Self Care

Self Care For Bad Mental Health Days

Everyone has days where they feel more down, anxious or frustrated than usual. However, for those who suffer from mental health issues already, these down days can make it extra hard for them to function and feel okay. On these days, it can be hard to carry out any tasks, let alone take the time …

Self Care

The 8 Types of Self Care

By now, most of us are aware of the idea of ‘self care’ – i.e. taking care of ourselves in ways to promote happiness and wellbeing. However, not all of us realise the different types of self care that we need to incorporate into our lives to make sure all the different aspects of our …

Self Care

Spring Self Care Ideas 2019

Spring has officially sprung – the days are getting longer, the evenings are getting lighter and the birds are singing. A new season also signifies something else…new self care ideas! In November, I wrote my favourite winter self care ideas, and in this post, I’ll be sharing my top self care practices and routine ideas …

Self Care

Self Care For People With ‘No Time’

So you’re stressed. You search for ways to destress, but realise that you’re too busy and stressed to actually destress. Not destressing makes you more stressed, but giving yourself time to destress just makes you stressed about all the things you ‘should’ be doing instead. Does this exhausting story sound familiar? If so, DON’T PANIC! …
